What is CPA?

What is CPA?


CPA or Cost Per Action is an online business model, which pays
out for every action completed by the consumer. Advertisers will
pay YOU when a consumer gives his email, zip code, opts in for a
free trial, or supplies relevant information pertaining to their
CPA is one of the most popular methods of making money online
through your website, blogs, or newsletters.
This strategy is a bit different from the Adsense program where
one is paid when a visitor clicks on an advertisement. CPA often
requires specific action.
As you will discover while learning the ins and outs of CPA
campaigns, the more actions required from a user typically
equates to a higher potential to earn.
For example, you may be paid $1.00 for every email address
compiled from visitors to your website signing up for a free
report, while you could earn $50 or more from the same person
purchasing a product or subscription.
